Title Kulturna industrija u kontekstu menadžmenta događanja
Title (english) Cultural Industries in the Context of the Management of Events
Author Luka Podgorščak
Mentor Maja Lamza Maronić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Bestvina Bukvić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Lamza Maronić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Luka Crnković (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Departement of Culturology (Chair in cultural management) Osijek
Defense date and country 2016-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Prema definiciji UNCTAD-a kulturne industrije su: „industrije koje stvaraju, proizvode i komercijaliziraju nematerijalne sadržaje kulturne prirode. Takvi su sadržaji, u obliku proizvoda ili usluge, obično zaštićeni autorskim pravima”. Kreativni i kulturni radnici nalaze se na početku vrijednosnog lanca kulturne i kreativne proizvodnje. Danas kultura i kreativni sektor predstavlja 3,4 posto svjetskog bruto nacionalnog proizvoda, pridonoseći na nacionalnoj razini ekonomskom rastu i razvoju. Taj se sektor, međutim, i dalje smatra rizičnim za ulaganje. Tradicionalni modeli financiranja, dotacije i potpore, ostaju potrebni no nužno je pronalaziti druge načine, kao što su novi financijski mehanizmi koji vode računa o specifičnostima sektora te inovativni pristupi u sklopu javno/privatnog partnerstva. U EU kulturne industrije razvijaju se kroz projekte kao što su Zelena knjiga i Digitalna agenda za europu koji pridonose poletu kreativnosti i poduzetništva u kulturi. Kreativne i kulturne industrije u Hrvatskoj ostvaruju 15 milijardi kuna prihoda, zapošljavaju 124 tisuće ljudi te su drugi po veličini sektor u Hrvatskoj po udjelu prihoda u BDP-u. Ministarstvo kulture osniva Hrvatski klaster konkurentnosti kreativnih i kulturnih industrija koji ima funkciju posrednika koji teži uspostavljanju komunikacije i suradnje među sektorima te umrežavanju predstavnika industrije, državnih i akademsko-znanstvenih institucija. Događaji koji zahtjevaju posebnu organizaciju često su prilike u kojima ljudi uživaju pa možda kao i nikada u životu. Postići takvo što i podijeliti to sa ljudima predstavlja iznimno zadovoljstvo. Rad je zahtjevan, uzbudljiv i pun izazova, te zahtijeva postizanje ravnoteže između upravljanja poslovima i upravljanja ljudima. Organizator mora okupiti tim s jasno definiranim odgovornostima za sve vidove događanja, uključujući i nepredvidive događaje. U tijeku organizacije može doći do raznih nepredviđenih događaja pa je često potrebno brzo donositi odluke na temelju iscrpnog poznavanja procedura i alternativa. Sposobnost donošenja odluka jedna je od vještina koje su organizatoru događanja najpotrebnije, te su organizatori s vrhunskim analitičkim sposobnostima vrlo traženi u kulturnim djelatnostima. U tu svrhu nastaje menadžment događanja. Kako bi se potaknuo razvoj kulture u Osijeku osniva se udruga „KIOS“ koja će svojim kreativnim programom uvelike pomoći svim budućim poduzetnicima u kulturi.
Abstract (english) According to the UNCTAD's definition cultural industries are "industries that create, produce and commercialize intangible facilities of cultural nature. Such activities, in the form of products or services, usually are protected by copyright". The creative and cultural employees are at the beginning of the value chain of cultural and creative production. Today, culture and creative sector accounts for 3.4 percent of global gross national product, contributing to national economic growth and development. This sector, however, is still considered as risk investment. Traditional models of financing, subsidies and grants, remains needed but it is necessary to find other ways, such as new financial mechanisms that take care the specificities of the sector and innovative approaches as part of a public / private partnership. In the EU cultural industries are being developed through projects such as the Green Paper and Digital Agenda for Europe that contribute to the flight of creativity and entrepreneurship in culture. Creative and cultural industries in Croatia get 15 billion of revenue, employ 124,000 people and are the second largest sector in Croatia by the share of revenue in GDP. The Ministry of Culture established the Croatian Cluster of Competitiveness of Creative and Cultural Industries, which acts as intermediary that seeks to establish communication and cooperation between sectors and networking industry representatives, government and academic research institutions. Events that require special organization often are circumstances in which people enjoy, perhaps as never in their life. To achieve something like that and share it with people represents tremendous pleasure. The work is demanding, exciting and full of challenges, and requires a balance between managing business and people management. The organizer should assemble a team with clearly defined responsibilities for all types of events, including unpredictable events. During the organization may occur various unpredictable occurrence, so often is necessary to quickly make decisions based on a thorough knowledge of the procedure and alternatives. Ability to make decisions is one of the skills which are most needed to organizer of the event, and organizers with superb analytical skills are very much in demand in cultural activities. For this purpose arises event management. In order to encourage the development of culture in Osijek founded "KIOS" association which will by their creative programs greatly help all future entrepreneurs in culture.
kulturne i kreativne industrije
kulturni djelatnici
kulturalni menadžment
Keywords (english)
cultural and creativne industries
cultural employees
cultural management
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:156:271226
Study programme Title: University graduate interdisciplinary study program in cultural studies; specializations in: Cultural Management, Media Culture, Librarian Science Course: Cultural Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulturologije uz naznaku smjera (magistar/magistra kulturologije uz naznaku smjera)
Type of resource Text
File origin Reformatted digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-12-28 10:01:02