Abstract | U ovome radu se pisalo o cenzuri kao središnjoj temi te svim njezinim oblicima i ulogom koju je imala u povijesti. Cenzura označava svojevrsnu zabranu i postupke kojima se ta cenzura provodi. Što se tiče oblika cenzure, ona može biti preventivna, autocenzura, suspenzivna, vjerska i politička. Naravno, ovdje smo se bavili cenzurom pisane, odnosno tiskane riječi. Prvi podatci o cenzuri neke knjige javljaju se još u četvrtome stoljeću. Naime, prvi popis zabranjenih knjiga nastaje 494. godine pod nazivom De libris recipiendis et non recipiendis. Crkvena vlast je vodila glavnu ulogu o proglašavanju neke knjige štetnom i nepoćudnom te je određivala na koje će se načine knjiga i njezin autor kazniti. Izumom tiskarskoga stroja, Gutenberg je omogućio širenje pismenosti i dostupnosti tiskane riječi širem krugu ondašnjeg društva. Naime, knjigu nije mogao imati svatko jer je predstavljala dragocjenost i nije ju mogao svatko priuštiti. Diljem cijele Europe otvaraju se tiskare u kojima se tiskaju razna djela. Izumu tiskarstva se ponajviše veslio Martin Luther jer mu je tiskana riječ omogućavala širenje vlastitih ideja, koje je Katolička crkva oštro zabranjivala. Ubrzo tiskarstvo postaje velika opasnost za vjeru, znanstvene i filozofske nazore. Knjiga postaje veliki neprijatelj Crkve i zbog toga ona počinje sa zabranom pojedinih djela i autora. Jedan od najpoznatijih takvih popisa, koji je načinila Crkva, bio je znameniti Index librorum prohibitorum iliti Popis zabranjenih knjiga. Popis je nastao 1557. godine, a dvije godine poslije je proširen i prepravljen. U njemu su se nalazila djela koja katolički vjernici nisu smjeli čitati. Često su se ta djela na razne načine i uništavala, a najpoznatije je bilo upravo spaljivanje. Na lomačama su se našla mnoštva knjiga, a svi koji su pisali, posjedovali i iščitavali takva djela su se oštro kažnjavali. Naime, postojali su i razni načini kako se oduprijeti Inkviziciji kao što su pisanje pod pseudonimom ili navođenje inicijala. U Indeksu su se našla imena nama vrlo poznatih književnika, filozofa, znanstvenika i drugih čija su se djela oštro zabranjivala. Nekima od njih je bilo dopušteno da isprave dijelove u knjizi koji štete Crkvi, vjeri ili vlasti te time bivali izbrisani s Popisa. Kroz stoljeća je izašlo mnogo dorađenih izdanja spomenutoga popisa, a pored Indeksa, nastajali su i drugi slični popisi u mnogim europskim zemljama. Godine 1966. Crkva donosi odluku kako više neće objelodanjivati nova izdanja Indeksa, a 1996. se on posve ukida. |
Abstract (english) | This work deals with censorship as a central theme and all its forms and roles that it had in history. Censorship means a kind of ban and the procedures that this censorship conducts. As for the form of censorship, it can be preventative, self-censorious, suspenseful, religious and political. Of course, here we are dealing with censorship of written or printed words. The first censorship data for a book appears in the fourth century. Namely, the first list of forbidden books was created in 494 under the title De libris recipiendis et non recipiendis. The ecclesiastical authority has played a major role in proclaiming a book that is detrimental and dishonest, and has determined what the book and its author are to punish. By the invention of a printing machine, Gutenberg has enabled the spread of literacy and the availability of printed words to the wider circle of the present society. Namely, the book could not have anyone because it was a precious thing and nobody could afford it. Throughout Europe, prints are opened in which various works are printed. Martin Luther was the first whom printed word enabled to spread his own ideas, which the Catholic Church harshly prohibited. Soon the printing press becomes a major threat to faith, scientific and philosophical perceptions. The book becomes a great enemy of the Church and therefore it begins with the banning of certain works and authors. One of the most famous such lists, made by the Church, was the famous Index librorum prohibitorum or The list of prohibited books. The list was created in 1557 and two years later it was expanded and restored. It contained works that Catholic believers could not read. Often, these works were destroyed in various ways and destroyed, and the most famous was the incineration. A lot of books were found at the pits, and all who wrote, owned, and read such works were punished harshly. Namely, there were various ways to resist the Inquisition, such as writing under the pseudonym or guiding the initials. In the Index were the names of our well-known writers, philosophers, scientists and others whose work was banned. Some of them were allowed to pass parts of a book that harmed the Church, faith or authority, and thus removed from the List. Over the centuries, many published editions of the aforementioned list have appeared, and in addition to the Index, other similar lists have appeared in many European countries. In 1966, the Church made the decision not to disclose new releases of the Index, and in 1996 it completely abolished it. |