Author Dražen Dominković
Mentor Željko Pavić (mentor)
Committee member Ivica Šola (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Pavić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Đukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Departement of Culturology Osijek
Defense date and country 2018-06-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Specific Sociologies
Abstract Hrvatska se posljednjih godina suočava sa sve većim brojem odlaznih migracija. Iako je povećana mobilnost stanovnika posljedica globalizacije i vidljiva je u gotovo svim zemljama svijeta, povećan rast emigracije ostavlja ozbiljne posljedica na društvo. Želja pojedinca za odlaskom uvelike ovisi o dostupnim informacijama i znanju o mogućnostima koje se nude u potencijalnim destinacijama. Obzirom kako internet i novi mediji postaju središnje mjesto traženja i razmjene informacija, stvara se sve veći zahtjev za istraživanjem njegovog utjecaja na procese migracije.
Većina dosadašnjih istraživanja usmjerena je ka evaluaciji migracije, odnosno istražuje pojedince koji su već migrirali. Ovaj rad zanima se za fazu odlučivanja, u kojoj migrant ima određene aspiracije, a može biti ključna u finaliziranju migracije odnosno u stvarnom odlasku iz zemlje podrijetla. Cilj je rada istražiti utjecaj novih medija na migracijske namjere studenata iz Slavonije i Baranje. Za te potrebe provedeno je istraživanje pomoću online upitnika na studentskoj populaciji Sveučilišta Josipa Juraja Strossmayera u Osijeku (221 student) tijekom siječnja 2018. godine. Rezultati su pokazali kako bi 58,3% studenata sigurno ili vjerojatno pokušalo otići iz Hrvatske radi zapošljavanja, pri čemu prednjače studenti iz STEM područja kod kojih udio takvih studenata iznosi 68,7%. Preferirana destinacija očekivano je Njemačka za koju bi se odlučilo 35,5% studenata, dok je na drugom mjestu Irska koju je odabralo 13,1% studenata. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako je mogućnost razvoja karijere jedan od najbitnijih čimbenika pri odluci o odlasku u drugu zemlje. Također, posjećivanje internetskih stranica potencijalne destinacije pozitivno utječe na namjere migriranja, a rezultati sugeriraju kako “internetska” posjeta zemlje ima veći utjecaj na odluku o migriranju od fizičke posjete toj zemlji. Nadalje, nije pronađena značajna razlika u namjerama migriranja obzirom na vrstu veze (rodbina, prijatelj, poznanik) koju ispitanici održavaju putem novih medija u potencijalnoj destinaciji.
Najveće ograničenje ovog istraživanja njegova je korelacijska narav, odnosno njime je teško potvrditi kauzalne odnose. Ipak, sa sigurnošću se može tvrditi kako novi mediji uvelike doprinose stvaranju sve većih i nestabilnijih tokova migracija, a pored olakšavanja odlaska u druge zemlje, internetski posredovana tehnologija može omogućiti i lakše povratne migracije.
Abstract (english) In the recent years, Croatia has been facing an increasing number of emigrations. Despite the increased mobility of populace that is a consequence of globalization being visible in nearly all the countries in the world, an increased emigration growth leaves serious consequences on the society. The individuals' tendencies to leave largely depend on the available information and knowledge about the opportunities offered in countries that are their potential destinations. Considering the fact the Internet and new age media are becoming the central hub of information seeking and information exchange, there is an increased demand generating for the research of the influence of those two factors on the migration processes.
Most of the currently documented research has been directed towards the evaluation of migration, meaning it was focused on researching the individuals that have already migrated. This paper investigates the decision phase of the process, in which the migrant has certain aspirations, and which can be crucial for the finalization of the migration and actual departure from the native country.The purpose of this paper is to present the research of the influence of the new age media on the migration intentions of students from the Croatian regions Slavonia and Baranja. For that purpose, research via online surveys sent to the student population of the University in Osjek was performed, in January 2018. The results have shown that 58.3% of students would definitely or probably try to leave Croatia to find employment. That is predominantly the case with STEM students, as 68.7% of those would do so. The preferred destination is Germany, a country 35.5% of students would opt for, and Ireland comes second with 13.1%. The research has shown that career development possibilities are one of the most important factors for the decision to move to a foreign country. Also, browsing the websites with information on the potential destination has a positive effect on migration intentions, and the results indicate an 'Internet' visit to a foreign country has a larger influence on the decision to migrate than that of a physical visit to the country. Furthermore, there has been no significant variation encountered in migration intentions based on the nature of the relationships the survey participants' have been maintaining with inhabitants of the potential destination country (through new age media).
The most prominent constraint of this research was its reliance on correlation, mainly the difficulty to confirm causal relations through it. However, it can certainly be said that the new age media greatly contribute to the creation of larger and more unstable migration flows, and apart from easing the departures from the country, Internet technologies can also make return migrations much simpler.
novi mediji
društvene mreže
imidž zemlje
Keywords (english)
new media
social networks
national image
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:156:471645
Study programme Title: University graduate interdisciplinary study program in cultural studies; specializations in: Cultural Management, Media Culture, Librarian Science Course: Media Culture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulturologije uz naznaku smjera (magistar/magistra kulturologije uz naznaku smjera)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-02-27 15:41:35